Monday, August 22, 2011

September Part II: Serve Our Neighbors

I couldn't resist posting this second opportunity!

When: September 10th, 2011 (8am-2pm)

Where: Reston Bible Church, Dulles Virginia

What: Gigantic Yard Sale! There are many different ways to help out, from making baked goods, selling items, sorting or donating goods to sell. All proceeds will be used to help the poor in our community and abroad.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

September: Fight Hunger

When: September 9th, 2011 (between 9am-4pm)

Where: Reston Interfaith Emergency Service Program, 11484 Washington Plaza West, Suite 120, Reston Virginia 20190

Who: Create the Good

What: Simply fill up a bag (or several) of non-perishable food items and deliver at the time and place listed above. In an effort to end hunger in Virginia, over 100 local Food Banks and organizations will be using our donations for families in our community.

For More Information: (There are addition drop-off locations listed if they are more convienent for you).

Thank you for all you do and stay tuned for our October Opportunity!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I couldn't be happier that you are here and are ready to get your hands dirty! I have decided to take on a challenge every month and I would love it if you came along for the ride. Each month I will be providing a volunteer opportunity at a local organization and all you have to do is show up! It's that easy. Our efforts will vary from month to month - it might be picking up trash, feeding the hunger or mentoring those in need. My hope is that our family and friends will team up to make a difference in our community and have fun while doing it. Bookmark our blog/become a follower and come back to check on upcoming events and our progress. Together we will make a difference.
